
Natural lighting and atmospherics enb
Natural lighting and atmospherics enb

natural lighting and atmospherics enb

  • Significant increase in sunset/sunrise color variety.
  • Incorporation and blending of our favorite cloud textures from VW and Gamwich Ethereal Clouds.
  • Incorporation of the ~50 most gorgeous and varied weathers from VW’s 500, distilled into Vanilla weather subrecords, and blended with NLA lighting.
  • Compatibility - NLVA is recommended to be used with Frostfall, Wet & Cold, Audio Overhaul for Skyrim, and any lighting mod of your choice.
  • Performance - NLVA is a lightweight ENB with up to a 30% increase in performance from NLA while preserving visual fidelity.
  • Confidence Man's employment of ENB effects and his sense of accurate color representation is unsurpassed."

    natural lighting and atmospherics enb

    As stated by Tapioks, the author of the first ENB preset to ever be released on Skyrim Nexus, "Natural Lighting and Atmospherics (NLA) is by far the most realistic lighting / weather mod available for Skyrim, rendering the most natural (and least video-game feeling) image possible.

    natural lighting and atmospherics enb natural lighting and atmospherics enb

    In regards to NLA, for nearly two years now, no ENB author has yet to apply lighting and coloring effects as realistically as Confidence Man. Although there have been many extraordinary weather mods, not one employs fog and rain effects as well as VW nor has anyone else produced sunsets and sunrises as breathtaking as those found in Manga's and Kesta's masterpiece. It is a fusion of arguably the two most impressive lighting and weather mods to ever be released Natural Lighting & Atmospherics (NLA), and Vivid Weathers ( VW). Natural Lighting Vivid Atmospherics ( NLVA) is a weather mod built mostly from the assets of NLA, Vivid Weathers, Ethereal Clouds, and Mindflux snow. Natural Lighting Vivid Atmospherics by Megaloblast and Kojak747 New weather ENB mod built on Natural Lighting & Atmospherics and Vivid Weathers, and it look awesome.

    Natural lighting and atmospherics enb